USAID Senegal ACCES Project
Project: Senegal ACCES Project
Project Dates: 2016-2022
In 2016, NRCE was awarded the Senegal Projet Assainissement – Changement de Comportement et Eau pour le Senegal (ACCES) Task Order under the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Water and Development IDIQ (WADI). ACCES was part of USAID/Senegal’s SENWASH portfolio to comprehensively address Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) topics. Our partners under this Task Order were Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Population Services International (PSI), IMPAQ International, and Stantec. The overall goal of the ACCES Activity was to significantly increase sustainable access to improved water and sanitation services and adoption of hygiene practices in targeted communities. While 67% of the rural population in Senegal have an improved source of drinking water, significant efforts remain to be made in Senegal’s sanitation sector where, in rural areas, only 34% of the population has access to improved latrines and 24% practice open defecation (DAL; WHO/UNICEF, JMP, 2015). Hygiene and sanitation are among the Senegalese government’s priorities. Market-based solutions have been recognized as an effective means of addressing gaps in access to improved sanitation because they aim to grow demand for improved sanitation, while ensuring that a sustainable supply of affordable and appropriately designed products and services are available to match the demand. The ACCES Activity aimed, through CLTS and market facilitation support, to increase sustainable access to improved sanitation services and adoption of hygiene practices in 50 targeted communes in six regions of Southern and Eastern Senegal.
Community-led sanitation (CLTS) works to generate demand for improved sanitation and draw villages away from open defecation while remaining sensitive to existing norms and practices. Like CLTS, market-based approaches aim to generate community demand for sanitation, but they also stimulate supply by mobilizing the private sector to offer a range of appropriate and affordable products and services. The evidence largely suggests that combined CLTS and market-based approaches reinforce each other and achieve greater impact and sustainability: CLTS sparks behavior change to ensure use of latrines and demand for fecal sludge management services, while more efficient markets make it easier for households to access and afford them.
USAID-ACCES has 4 activities, called outputs:
Output I: Generate local demand for WASH products and services designed to significantly improve sanitation, hygiene and infant nutrition practices:
- Trigger 180 communities using CLTS and conduct household visits and organize community events to raise awareness about open defecation risks and linkages to hygiene and nutrition;
- Facilitate use of microfinance and community-based financing mechanisms including savings and loan groups, producer organizations and cooperatives, remittances to finance latrines;
- Launch a nation-wide communication campaign to raise awareness about sanitation and good hygiene, and to promote “Sagal” latrines.
Output II: Develop replicable and scalable business models for sustainable provision of WASH products and services:
- Develop and test new latrine prototypes with a client-centered focus to combine local aspirations with cost effective technologies;
- Train businesses including local masons in improved latrine construction techniques, management, accounting and marketing/sales techniques;
- Launch commercial sales approach in selected peri-urban communes;
- Identify or promote the development of financing mechanisms for sanitation sector businesses.
Output III: Development and management of communal Action Plans for Multiple Use Water systems:
- Build capacity at the commune level to develop and manage water resources and support the development of a new generation of local specialists to collect and analyze water resources data;
- Identify and repair small to medium size existing water systems and build four new systems.
Output IV: Improved enabling environment for equitable delivery of quality WASH services:
- Promote the sustainability of USAID investments through collaboration with Senegalese government agencies, the government integration activity (GIA), USAID/Senegal’s Local Development Governance (GOLD) activity, and other donor programs;
- Establish an operational governance framework to ensure sustainable and equitable supply of water and sanitation.
LINKS TO MATERIALS IN FRENCH (liens aux supports en français)
Project Downloads (Téléchargements de Projets)
- Introduction to ACCES, Fiche de Présentation ACCES
- 2019 Bulletins: Septembre, Octobre, Novembre, Décembre
- 2020 Bulletins: Janvier, Fevrier, Mars, Avril, Mai, Juin, Juillet, Aout, Septembre, Octobre, Novembre
- 2021 Sagal Bulletins: Juin, Octobre
- 2022 Sagal Bulletins: Janvier, Mai
- Livret assainissement: Livret_Assainissement
- Fiche technique MUS: Planification_MUS
- Fiches techniques d’assainissement:
- Fiche de Présentation
- CLTS with Sanitation Marketing Learning brief
- Livret Didactique sur les Normes de Gestion des Systèmes Hydrauliques Ruraux au Sénégal
SATO Pan Tutorial YouTube Links (Liens YouTube des Tutoriel SATO Pan)
- Comment construire une SATO dalle / How to build a SATO slab
- Comment installer le SATO Pan sur une dalle existante / How to install SATO Pan on an existing slab
- In Senegal, Sanitation Means Dignity, by the USAID Water Team
- Part-Time Project Staff Turned Business Owners Boost the Sanitation Market in Senegal
learning documents